Gold Plating to MIL-Specs: AMS 2422, ASTM B488, MIL-DTL-45204

Gold Plating to MIL-Specs: AMS 2422, ASTM B488, MIL-DTL-45204

Gold Plating to elevate performance.

Gold Plating is an essential stage in the manufacturing of parts and components that carry specified demands for reliability, durability, conductivity, performance, and longevity, That’s because Gold plating provides important performance enhancements parts fabricated of various metals, allowing consistency tt meets critical function benchmarks. Among other advantages Gold Plating greatly enhances electric-current conductivity while minimizing energy loss. Gold also has a natural resistance to oxidation and corrosion, prolonging the life of plated parts to ensure they remain functional in even the most challenging environments and conditions.As a result, Gold Plating is often the finish of choice for parts used in aerospace, military, and electronics.

However, for gold plating to deliver these advantages, it must meet strict performance benchmarks defined by Military Specifications or “MIL-Specs:” These pecs include AMS 2422; ASTM B488; and MIL-DTL-45204. Meeting these specifications ensures mandated compliance, and also instills confidence in component end-users that rely on a parts mission-critical performance.

MIL Specifications Overview

AMS 2422
The Aerospace Material Specification (AMS) 2422 is a standard used primarily in the aerospace industry. It governs the electroplating of gold on base metals, ensuring components can withstand the rigors of flight. The gold must have a minimum purity of 99.7%, and the coating thickness must be between 0.0001 inches (2.5 microns) and 0.0005 inches (12.5 microns). These specifications ensure that the plated parts have the necessary properties for reliable performance in extreme conditions, including temperature fluctuations and exposure to a wide range of chemicals.

The ASTM B488 standard is utilized across various industries, including electronics and telecommunications, where gold plating is essential for improving electrical conductivity. This standard requires gold to have a minimum purity of 99.99% and mandates thickness levels of at least 0.0001 inches (2.5 microns) for specific applications, while thicker coatings may be required for others, such as connectors and contacts. The stringent purity and thickness requirements ensure excellent performance in high-reliability applications, significantly reducing the risk of failures.

MIL-DTL-45204 is another critical specification, primarily used in military applications. This standard emphasizes the importance of gold plating on electrical and electronic components, where mechanical reliability is also crucial. The minimum purity level is set at 99.7%, with thickness requirements typically ranging from 0.0001 inches to 0.0005 inches. Components that meet these specifications are better equipped to resist corrosion, which is vital for the longevity and functionality of military hardware exposed to harsh environments.

Summit Plating is a trusted MIL Spec meeting Electroplater

Summit Plating is an established leader in gold plating to meet  the stringent requirements outlined in AMS 2422, ASTM B488, and MIL-DTL-45204. Our experienced team is dedicated to meeting without exception these important standards on every part we deliver.

However, what sets Summit apart is not just our commitment to quality, but also our commitment to our client’s plating experience. While the gold electroplating process can be complex, we don’t believe the vendor/client relationship should be. So we continually strive throughout a plating program to make the entire journey as accurate, efficient, and transparent as possible.

In addition to aerospace, military, and electronics, Summit Plating also provides electroplating for medical devices, telecommunications, oil and gas parts, and even musical wire. We believe our versatility and experience in delivering quality results for diverse applications makes us more valuable and proficient to each sector we serve.

So whether the need be for plated parts used in aerospace, military, electronics, or beyond—Summit Plating is committed to reinforcing our reputation as an effective, efficient, trusted partner in Specification meeting Industrial Gold Plating.




The Best in Wire Electroplating just got Better!

The Best in Wire Electroplating just got Better!

Summit Plating has worked long and hard to earn our place as a global leader in small-diameter wire electroplating. The exceptional surface quality we deliver is renown for consistently providing outstanding deposit, grain structure, and adhesion using both precious and non-precious metals. Our dependable performance plating on copper, copper alloy, and ferrous base metal wire has resulted in Summit becoming a trusted partner for uncompromising clients who demand the highest standards.

However, while our plating quality has often been considered “unmatched,” our plated-wire spooling has occasionally fell a little short of delivering that same level of excellence. Some customers felt a higher level of winding accuracy would be “ideal” for a more seamless transition into manufacturing.

Enhancing Our Legacy with Advanced High-Precision Wire Spooling.

Recognizing that the accuracy of both Plating and Spooling are crucial for success in some applications, Summit decided to make a strategic investment. Our wire plating department is now the proud home to state-of-the art, Computer-Controlled Spooling technology! This advanced equipment enables us to wind and spool plated wire with the same level of spec-meeting accuracy that Summit is known for with electroplating. By extending the high quality we offer to computer-controlled spooling, our clients gain additional value — and a performance-enhancing edge.

Bringing Automated Corrective Operations to our Arsenal

Our advanced Wire Spooler (sometimes referred to as a Respooling Machine) is specially designed to meet the strict demands of today’s high-tech industries. It features exacting “laser vision technology” that continually monitors the wire for level, even winding. Should even a slight variance be detected, the Spooler instantly applies micro-adjustments as fine as ±1%, ensuring that each row and layer of wire align for “near-perfect” spooling with minimal stress or twisting of the material.

Our new Wire Spooler is capable of handling spools up to 30 inches in diameter and weighing up to 70 pounds. Depending on final delivery specifications, The Spooler can also transfer wire onto smaller spools. This process is done with the same exceptional accuracy, and at speeds up to 200 RPM to help fulfill customer supply chain requirements.

Flexible, Precise, User-Friendly, an Repeatable

Another advantage of our new Wire Spooling technology is its function-flexible, user-friendly design. The machine’s programmable motion controller and touchscreen interface allow our operators to efficiently set and adjust spooling parameters that include tension, winding pitch, spool width, speed, and wound wire length. This interface also features an advanced Recipe Manager that allows for the storage and recall of settings for hundreds for different spool and wire combinations. Also available is “fully reversible performance,” allowing the user to pause, reverse, and restart the spooling process without losing position, wire placement, or length tracking.

Collectively, these features, streamline the setup and delivery-prep process while ensuring repeat consistency across back-to-back or time-scheduled production runs.

Summit Customers “wind up better” with our Advanced Spooling!

At Summit Plating, we are committed to staying at the forefront of technological advancements in our industry. The addition of Computer-Controlled Spooling allows us to further solidify our position as the wire electroplating leader by now offering even greater value. Especially for projects with tight specifications demands that include uniform or custom-configured spooling configurations.

We look forward to demonstrating the benefits of this new investment through enhanced end-product delivery. And, we encourage you check back for future updates as we continue to innovate and improve OUR performance in industrial and wire electroplating!

Industrial Electroplating vs Decorative Plating

Industrial Electroplating vs Decorative Plating

Decorative Metal Platers – Overview

This group of Electroplaters concentrate on following coating specifications intended to primarily elevate the aesthetic appearance of a product. This is especially true in the jewelry industry, where plating is used to enhance mid-priced items with a coating of silver, gold, platinum, or other attractive metal. The objective is to simply make the end product appear more appealing and valuable. And in fact, there are even DIY (Do It Yourself) plating kits available to consumers for achieving this cosmetic result.

Industrial Electroplaters – Overview

Industrial Electroplaters focus on meeting very exact specifications designed to deliver functional performance advantages that go well beyond aesthetics. These specifications are often carefully defined and strictly regulated by industries like aerospace and medical that require reliable, consistent plated part performance.

Industrial Electroplaters achieve these controlled plating results by carefully administering a process called “electrodeposition.” With electrodeposition, the substrate material to be plated is immersed into an electrolyte solution that is saturated with select chemical additives. Among these additives are ions of the specified plating metal. Direct electric current is then strategically introduced, creating a bond at a molecular level that securely adheres plating metal ions to the component as and where required. The result is a deliberate “electroplated finish” that is stronger and more permanent than simpler surface-coating applications could offer.

Functional characteristics enhanced with Industrial Electroplating include:

• Electrical Conductivity
Industrial electroplating can enable, enhance, limit, and strictly control the flow of electrical current.

• Corrosion and Oxidation Resistance
Plating on industrial parts Provides a barrier more impervious to corrosion and oxidation than the substrate material it covers.

• Chemical and Contaminant Protection
A n important benefit of industrial plating is the shielding of the substrate material from harmful or property-changing chemical reactions.

• Abrasion and Friction Reduction
Protective plating serves as a coat of armor that can extend part life by increasing lubricity between moving parts.

• Temperature Tolerance
Electroplating on industrial parts can reduce or even eliminate the negative effects extreme hot and cold have on desired performance characteristics.

• Strengthened Adhesion
Industrial Electroplating can Improve the bond between the plating layer and substrate being plated,. It can also strengthen the bond between other materials and the plated surface.

• Strengthened/Altered Tensile Properties
Plating for industry can create a more rigid, supportive, or more pliable part to better meet specified performance needs.

• Superior Surface Finish
Industrial Plating requires exacting control of chemistry and process, resulting in a wide variety aesthetic finish and texture options. This plating control also yields a superior finish free of performing-retarding surface anomalies.

• Quantity Economies
Industrial plating can provide cost economies through efficient plating procedures, and through raw materials costs. This is especially true for large output programs where substrate materials are purchased in large volumes to meet anticipated supply demands while reducing material cost through economies of scale.

• Extended Lifespan / Enhanced value
Collectively, Industrial electroplating improves the functional longevity and therefore value of plated components and parts parts.


Industrial electroplating focuses on meeting exacting specifications for coverage area, plating properties, consistency, and efficiency. For large-quantity plating programs where physical properties and part performance cannot be compromised, Industrial Electroplating is the best choice — and the best Industrial Electroplater is Summit Plating!


PEAK Electroplating Performance — it’s the company wide goal of Summit.

PEAK Electroplating Performance — it’s the company wide goal of Summit.

When Summit Corp. of America rebranded to Summit Plating, we updated our tagline to “Electroplating to Perform.” The new tagline referenced Summit’s ability to deliver electroplating with exacting precision that ensured defined function characteristics. At Summit, we excel at Electroplating to Perform according to client-requested and industry-mandated specifications.

In our quest to continually improve, we recently adopted a “catch phrase” that summarizes the vision shared by every department at Summit:

“PEAK Electroplating Performance”

This phrase clearly references our delivery of high-quality electroplating that performs at the very peak or “Summit” of what can be expected. But the phrase ALSO references our ability to SERVE clients with unwavering customer service performance. But that’s not all…

The word “PEAK” is all capital letters, because it is an acronym—with each letter standing for one of the “building” blocks that of how we achieve this goal:

“P” stands for Precise Plating. Being Precise without compromise is a mainstay Summit Plating advantage. We are renown for our ability to control electroplating processes so they reliably and consistently meet even the most strictly specified finish characteristics.

“E” stands for Efficient. We know that Efficiency in industrial electroplating is paramount for ultimate program success. Summit is committed to an integrated QA protocol that’s always on the look-out for ways to improve process and end value. This protocol examines ways to improve materials acquisition, shorten response time, reduce materials waste, and control total program cost. Only through top-end efficiency can we meet the strict budgets and schedule demands often present with industrial electroplating.

“A” stands for Accountable. Our service approach transcends the typical customer/ vendor relationship. From the very start, our comprehensive game plan provides for transparent and collaborative information sharing and reporting. We position ourselves as a trusted plating partner, because we believe true dependability starts when doubt and concern are eliminated.

“K” stands for Knowledgeable. We combine decades of experience and “plating innovation firsts” with a team comprised of some of the sharpest and most skilled plating pros in the industry. Collectively, this creates a knowledge base that allows Summit to very quickly identify, refine and produce the very best plating outcomes possible.

PEAK Electroplating Performance – a vision also shared by management that performs for you

Summit’s management team is aligned with the goal of delivering and maintaining PEAK Electroplating Performance. Our company culture rewards excellence, encourages personal growth, and fosters an environment where our client’s successes are credited to the company as a whole. We invest in acquiring the best team members — and also in ongoing education that allows our crews to maintain industry leader status.

In summary, PEAK Electroplating Performance is a statement promising an unwavering level of top excellence in every facet of who Summit is, what Summit can do do, and the electroplated-part advantages Summit can provide for you.

Torpedo Specialty Wire Acquired by Summit

Torpedo Specialty Wire Acquired by Summit

Wire plating capabilities “music” to Summit’s ears.

The assets of Torpedo Specialty Wire, Inc.— a respected ISO 9001:2008 certified fabricator of high-performing specialty composite wire, Musical Instrument Wire, and conductors — were recently acquired by Summit Plating (Formerly Summit Corp. of America). A quick review of the product quality and service value that Torpedo was known for quickly reveals the motivation behind this purchase.

Combining proprietary plating processes to benefit clients.

As explained by Summit President Harry Scoble. “What first attracted us to Torpedo was the company’s long-standing commitment to be the very best at what they do. Like Summit, Torpedo Wire was founded on the principal of always striving to deliver beyond client expectations. And just like us, Torpedo has engineered and perfected some proprietary or difficult to replicate plating processes.”

Improved control of prepress base materials.

Respected as one of the world’s foremost specialty composite wire platers, Torpedo’s PA plant manufactured a wide range of Nickel and Tin plated products for a diverse range of industries. In addition to its plating know-how, of particular interest to Summit was the machinery, equipment, and processes for handling the base material used for its plating requirements.

Harry Scoble, Summit’s President, “We’ve eyed these capabilities for several years. We feel strongly that expanding our capacity to meet plating specifications from start to finish will help us grow new relationships and enhance our value to existing clients.”

Strengthening our electroplating global-service footprint.

Torpedo’s competency in specialty wire production and electroplating produced an end product with performance advantages that became in-demanded by companies in the U.S., Africa, Asia, Australia, Latin America, the Caribbean, the Middle East, the Pacific Rim, and Europe. We recognized these plating performance skills as a perfect fit for maintaining and expanding our competitive edge in the plated wire marketplace. And so it wasn’t long before an arrangement to transfer the assets of the Pennsylvania operation to Summit Plating was finalized.

Torpedo Management collaboration ensured a smooth transition.

The acquisition launch and success was ensured in part by securing assistance from Torpedo’s top management. Bringing this expertise to ensured a smooth service transition was Torpedo President and CEO, Loren Ota, V.P. Hal McConnell, and Pennsylvania Plant Manager, Andy Kleinert. The alliance bolstered current-customer confidence that the important plating processes and procedures Torpedo is noted for were all  replicated at our facility.

Expanded services – steadfast commitment.

For Summit’s existing loyal customer base, and for Torpedo’s long standing customers, we believe this acquisition will translate into even greater service value. We remain committed to being a world-leading supplier of Wire Electroplating, Continuous form Plating, Loose Part Plating, and more.